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Comments is one of the most basic features of the collaboration at SQUARS. With Comments, your team can reach your goal faster by reacting to each others' feedback in real-time and making quick, instant decisions. This feature is available on the SQUARS STUDIO project.
Who can use Comments:
All members included in the group project
Workspace members Invited to my project
The invited user can join the project and leave comments even if they do not belong to the group. However, the user must be a member of the Workspace.
To learn more about the project invitation, click here.
Create a new comment to the object on Viewport. Comments on the object move along with the object. They are pinned on the coordinates when the object gets located, relocated, or transformed. And you cannot move the comment to your needs. Comment can be created only when there is at least one object on the Viewport.
Click the Comments button on the toolbar to enter comments mode. Your cursor will turn into Comments mode from the default.
Click the location on the object where you'd like the pin your comment.
The right panel changes to the Comments tab and the comments input field activates: Type what you'd like to share with others in the input field.
Click the Add button to leave your comment.
Even if the object is deleted, the comment on the object does not be affected and keeps remaining. However, its location does not being displayed on the Viewport anymore and the status changes to Lost position on the Comments tab.
The lost comment can no more be connected to the object.
@ Mention a member under comments by typing one's username or email. This allows you to include a member in the comment thread, and make them focus on the specific part of the project as you intended.
There are some general restrictions to using Mention on the project:
If it is a private project, you can mention only members you already invited to your project. To mention a group member, you must first change the private project to a group project.
Members with the same username can also be mentioned. Click to add a list of users through @mention.
Mention a member when you add a new comment, or reply to an existing one.
Press the @ key to mention the member in the comment field.
Enter the member's username or email. SQUARS shows you a recommendation list of members based on your communication histories with members.
Press the space bar or click the username on the list.
SQUARS sends an Email to the member with the details of your comment.
You must invite the member to your project before you mention them who is not be shown on the recommended members list.
Comments on the project get pinned on the selected object area. The commenter's user profile appears in this area.
Click the user profile to see where the comment was created on the Comments tab in the right panel.
Comments: Each comment is pinned on the location with the commenter's user profile.
Comments & Replies: The user profile appears when a member leaves a reply to a comment. The number of users who made replies appears with user profiles when there are two or more user profiles and three or more users replied to one comment.
You can create Comments, make Replies, and use related features on the right panel. Click the Comments tab and check the comments history. What you can do in this area:
Discuss and handle commented issues by checking Resolve. Resolved comments will be hidden on the Viewport and the right panel. You can see the history anytime with the filtering feature.
Use Hide for hiding a user profile on the Viewport.
Open the thread and make replies by selecting the comment: Type a Reply to the comment, then click the Reply button.
Edit your comments and replies anytime.
Creating an object is unavailable under the Comments mode. Please press Esc or click other random tools to go back to the Authoring mode before you create objects.
The commenter's user profile is always displayed on the Viewport, whether or not it is under Comment mode. You can hide your user profile from the Viewport anytime, but the comment always appears on the Comments tab, regardless of its hiding status.
Activate Hide Comments at the right upper area of the Comments tab.
Commenter's user profile will be hidden on the Viewport.
You can resolve the comments once the feedback and issues are completely handled. This will hide comments in the Comments tab and Viewport.
Open the thread by hovering or clicking on each comment in the Comments tab.
Click the Resolve button at the right upper area of the comment.
Resolved comments are hidden on the Viewport and Comments tab.
You can undo comments resolving. Activate Show Resolved Comments at the right upper area of the Comments tab. You can set the resolution status when the hidden comment appears again.
Any user who belongs to the group within Workspace can add comments or leave replies.
Open the thread by selecting Comments on the right panel of the Comments tab.
The Reply field appears below the thread.
Type in your comment messages.
Click the Reply button or press Enter to add your replies to the thread.
Add further replies to the thread as needed.
You can delete the comments you posted. The entire thread will disappear when the comment with replies is deleted.
Open the thread by hovering or clicking on each comment in the Comments tab.
Click the More button at the right upper area of the comment.
Select Delete from the options.
Click the Delete button to confirm.
Deleting a comment is a permanent action. You cannot restore a deleted comment in any circumstance.