Setting Targets
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To create an AR campaign, you always need to start with setting a target. The AR content you generate is displayed on the specific target you've set in the Target Manager. When you register a target, you can choose the type that best fits your needs.
SQUARS supports the following types of targets.
Image Target
QR code Target
Shape Target
A) Cylinder-shaped object
B) Box-shaped object
Image target works well for all kinds of AR campaigns involving printed materials. Display any 3D scene on items like posters, small cards (business cards, postcards), and event flyers. Even graffiti art on walls can be used as a target. The possibilities are endless.
Horizontal / Vertical View
Choose 'Horizontal View' in the Target Manager to display your AR content horizontally on the target. Or, you can also choose 'Vertical View' to place the AR content vertically, like on the floor. This makes the AR content creation process in STUDIO much simpler for you.
How to prepare
To ensure a steady display, set the physical size of the image in advance.
Choose an image with clear features for effective detection and tracking by SQUARS's AR engine. The more distinct the features, the better the tracking performance.
The image should have well-defined edges and noticeable color contrast. Overly simple or blank images may not be detectable or trackable.
Distribute features evenly across the image for stable augmentation. Avoid concentrated patterns on one side, but note that repetitive patterns might affect tracking.
Use a non-reflective surface material on the target image for consistent and stable augmentation performance.
The quickest way to begin creating WebAR content is by using the QR code target. If you don't have your own target, use the QR code available on the SQUARS Target Manager. We offer a ready-to-use QR code that you can place anywhere you like.
Horizontal / Vertical View
Choose 'Horizontal View' in the Target Manager to display your AR content horizontally on the target. Or, you can also choose 'Vertical View' to place the AR content vertically, like on the floor. This makes the AR content creation process in STUDIO much simpler for you.
How to prepare
To ensure a steady display, set the physical size of your QR code in advance.
There is no extra targets are required. Just download the QR code image from SQUARS STUDIO and use it right away.
Try using a 3D object such as a bottle of juice or a package box as your target. With the Shape target option, you can provide your clients in the packaging, electronics, or entertainment industry with a more immersive experience, going beyond basic 2D AR content. Choose the 'Shape Target' option in the Target Manager to set the following shapes as your AR campaign targets.
Cylinder-shaped object
Box-shaped object
Cylinder-shaped object
Think about using labels on bottles or cans for your augmented reality experience. You can display your AR content to cover the entire surface of the cylinder-shaped object. The more the image covers the object, the better chance you have of AR content for 360 degrees. If the width of the target image matches exactly the cylinder's base perimeter, you can offer a perfectly full 360-degree experience to your potential clients.
How to prepare
Prepare an image for the cylinder-shaped object target.
Set the cylinder's base perimeter and height in the Target Manager for STUDIO to generate the target object.
Make sure the image's width and height ratio matches what you entered in the Target Manager. If the image is too wide for the cylinder's perimeter, it can cause an 'Over-wrapped' situation, and the target won't be set. STUDIO currently supports two cases for cylinder-shaped targets A. Full-Wrapped: The image fully wraps around the side of the cylinder.
B. Half-Wrapped: The image wraps around half of the cylinder.
4. Check the 'How to Prepare the Image Target' section for additional details on the wrapping image.
Boost your 3D content by adding images to all six sides of the box-shaped object. STUDIO easily recognizes each side, ensuring stable 360-degree augmentation. For best results, you should cover the entire box with images, and at least three images for sides that share corners and edges.
How to prepare
Get digital images ready for each side of the box.
Enter the width, height, and depth of the physical box in the Target Manager to see a preview with your images.
Place each image on its corresponding side by clicking on the side or using the buttons.
Make sure the ratio of the uploaded image's width to height matches the values you entered in the Target Manager.
Use the 'Rotate' button to turn the image 90 degrees clockwise. You can also swap or delete images with the 'Switch' and 'Delete' buttons.
Check the 'How to Prepare the Image Target' section for additional details on each plane's images.
SQUARS accepts JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP files (excluding GIF). When naming files in the Target Manager, you can use both uppercase and lowercase letters (a to z, A to Z), spaces (' '), and specific special characters such as !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (), _, +, -, =, [],{}, ;, :, '', ””, /, , |, ,, ., <>, ?.